Thursday, December 11, 2008

Missed chances and upcoming opportunities

Had a chance to meet with Badar Khushnood from Google after his speech on online entrepreneurship opportunities such as writing a blog, a website such as Danka ( and from that meeting i have come to the conclusion that it is imperative that i make this blog specific to some kind of information. Make it a sort of hub of information and updates for whatever topic i choose.

Although i have been lazy with entries on my blog, a lot of that owing to the strenuous time constraints put up by the MBA program at LUMS, i do intend to choose a topic and stick to it once i can be more regular with my blog entries. Hence, the next few months may not see much activity on this blog but come May, 2009 and i will be back with a bang and with a hunger to make this blog more popular and more successful.

The stats show i have been getting a regular stream of visitors who mostly browse through the main page, thank you guys for persisting and visiting the webpage, soon you'll have more to see on the site.
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